Welcome to SantaTruth—learn the sinister truth about Santa’s Communist Activities before it is too late!!!

The Truth About Santa:

Is Santa a communist?

He looks like Karl Marx (the founder of COMMUNISM).

Karl Marx

He wears Red (the communist color) all the time.

He runs a factory (just like Engels, who collaborated with Marx). He runs it in the remote areas of the Arctic North, Siberia Gulag Camps, as well.

And then it gets worse!

He uses forced labor in his Arctic North Factory (the elves). Do the elves get any pay? No! It is for the enrichment of all. (He's re-distributing property, each to everyone's needs.)

On top of that, he uses mass surveillance (Naughty or Nice List) to determine who to enrich.

And what happens if someone is Naughty? He doesn't just give them nothing. He punishes them, with coal (presumably from his Arctic North labor camps).

But we don't really hear the true story from the Labor Camps. We hear that the Elves love to work for Santa Making toys. They get the food and other rations they need, and they happily work. Of course, Santa and his propaganda machines are hiding the real story. (Just like the Soviets did.)

MORE: Read about Santa's sinister connection to the Coronavirus!

Christmas Eve: Santa has his poor elves pack up his sleigh with toys. He flies around the world in his sleigh, breaking into houses, destroying property, and re-distributing wealth. He does it all at night, kind of like the Secret Police or other communist government agencies.

Oh, the sleigh? It flies by "magic". It is really is a Soviet Space Race machine that Santa had his elves put together. Only Santa can use it though.

CAUGHT: Santa faking the moon landing UNCOVERED!

And then it gets terrifying!

Are his gifts really free? No, he takes your cookies and milk (which he doesn't share with the elves) to feed himself. He's therefore fat. But he must take more from the rich than the poor. What about kids who are so poor they can’t afford cookies? They still get presents. So your peasants aren't really free....

Does he share this food? Is it any coincidence that Santa is fat and his elves are skinny and short? Is this because Santa, their great leader, takes all the food?

Furthermore, Santa's redistribution is heard throughout the land. Nationalistic Songs (or Christmas Carols) are sung honoring the great leader (Santa). (You better watch out, you better not pout, you better not cry, I'm telling you why: Santa Clause is coming to town. In other words, you better be good be good or you won't get you rations. He sees you when you're sleeping. Creepy...! He knows when your awake. He knows if you've been good or bad so be good for goodness's sake! Or you won't get your rations...?) (Or Santa Clause is coming to town: He doesn't care if your rich or poor he loves you all the same!)

INVESTIGATION: Is Santa creating a 5G apocalypse?

Is it any coincidence that Santa is the secular model of Christmas, taking out any need for God in Christmas? Santa allows the secularists to take Christ out of Christmas, focusing the holiday on material wealth and progress! This is just like the Soviets did, taking God out of every aspect of public life!

Statues of him adorn public places and homes as well as Christmas Cards to show his authority and grip of power:

Santa in a little-known issue of Pravda, the official newspaper of the despotic USSR! The SOVIETS love his spying!!!!
Santa in Pravda

Santa propaganda candies lined up! Not even our precious children are safe!
Santa Communist candies

WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR: Santa is trying to brainwash YOU and YOUR CHILDREN!

These are simple facts. Make your own conclusions. WAKE UP‼ Santa is a COMMUNIST. Join the growing movement to #StopSanta!

Tell your children Santa is real—and he is OUT TO GET THEM!!

🎅 = 😈 !!!

Teach your children to refute and push back on anyone or anything that promotes Santa as a wonderful comrade willing to help the poor!


YOUR GUIDE! Get up-to-date, trustworty news about Santa's Coronavirus connection!