Exclusive interview: 5G and Santa investigation interview with John Grellysh

SantaTruth asked John Grellysh and his team to investigate Santa's connection to 5G. His findings were astounding. SantaTruth's Lizzy Edith interviews John Grellysh on the details of the investigation.

Lizzy Edith: Thank you for being here with us today John!

John Grellysh: Yeah, thank you for having me!

LE: SantaTruth members are wondering about Santa's hand with 5G. We've heard a lot about 5G and Santa, so did Santa create 5G?

JG: No, Santa actually didn't create 5G. Basically what happened is there were a bunch of Chineese people who wanted collect more data from Americans. Anyway, the technology was new, and it wasn't really safe. But China, of course, doesn't care about saftey. Basically, they stole the technology and started manufacturing. Now, Santa comes in. Santa saw an opportunity to watch people better. He had been collaborating with the Chineese already on Covid-19. This was about a decade ago. At the time, Covid-19 really didn't have any way to spread, so Santa suggested to make Covid-19 spew out of 5G. Anyway, China really didn't have the labor fource for the 5G manufacturing. Santa really couldn't manufacture it in the Norh Pole, but while the Chineese continued to produce other goods, Santa took the reins and started producing 5G towers. We looked at one and found that actually Covid-19 was supposed to start spewing out on December 25, right after Santa left back to the North Pole. 5G continues to be put in place. It's really a project from the North Pole for many purposes, but Santa didn't start it, he took it over.

LE: So was it initially just for spreading Coronavirus?

JG: I don't know. It's hard to tell when the events happened. We know that Santa started working on Covid-19 approximatly in 2009 or so; we don't have an exact number. But we're pretty sure that Santa picked up 5G manufacturing for multiple reasons.

LE: What are some other reasons then?

JG: The big four we found were spreading Covid-19, propaganda on phones and computers, mass surveillance, and messing with people's brains.

LE: What exactly do you mean by messing with people's brains.

JG: Oh, well, of course Covid-19, propaganda, and mass surveillance messes with your brain, but I'm refering to the energy interfearing with your brain cell function. What we found was there were actually controls that allowed Santa and the Chineese to change the signals to mess with people's brains differently. Right now, it's basically making people believe Communism is the answer.

LE: Right, we're seeing that right now.

JG: Yeah, you do have a lot of people who are now thinking that Communism might work, even though China is responsible for Covid.

LE: Huh, that's interesting. But are they just sending invisible propaganda into brains?

JG: No, not exactly. Basically, no intelligent mind believes Communism works. That's why they need propaganda. Basically, because there's all kinds sources on the internet pointing out the flaws in Communism--

LE: Like SantaTruth--

JG: Yup, like SantaTruth basically, the energy from the 5G waves destroys the brain to the point that they can't wrap their mind around the basic truth of the world. Then, using mass surveillance, they will send all kinds of propaganda to us. And we're already seeing the results of this like in Portland. In other words, they're using the destructive 5G waves to make us believe their propaganda.

LE: And what kind of propaganda?

JG: It's hard to say. There's two types. The first is normal, Communist propaganda, which we havn't seen too much of yet because people havn't been brainwashed all the way. Second, is advertisments. You see a lot of stuff from China being advertised more, even though it's cheaper. Really, it's junk that breaks so we keep buying more and more. Keep in mind, China has already mastered our minds, and it's because of Santa's connection to small children why they understand it. Basically, they hope to make enough money off of plastic junk to build up the resources to take over the world. And they've already made a lot of money. 5G may completely get them enough money to succeed. That alone should make us want to push back on 5G.

LE: But they're using that for other purposes too. All of them alone should want to make us to push back.

JG: Right, right.

LE: What about the mass surveillance part?

JG: Well, Santa has already figured out mass surveillance, as we know, his infamous Naughty and Nice list. 5G allows Santa to collect all kinds of data. Basically, everything that you view, and everything that goes to you, and everything you send goes right through those towers, which goes right back to the North Pole. Before, Santa's surveillance was pretty much tied to those who chose accept Santa. But now it's reached a whole new level.

LE: Wow. And he's using this data to track us in order to functionally take over the world?

JG: Yes.

LE: Wow. That's terrifying. Now that we've terrified our audience [laughs]--

JG: I wouldn't say terrified, just informed.

LE: Yeah. [laughs] It is, nevertheless terrifying.

JG: It certainly is. But you don't have to be terrified.

LE: That's what I was going to get into. So what can we do to prevent it?

JG: There's a lot of things you can do, starting with makeing your home safer.

LE: And how's that done?

JG: The big one is making your walls safe. Basically, behind the drywall is studs, in between the studs is insulation. But behind the insulation is the outside wall. Anyway, cover the outside wall with tinfoil, and then cover it up with insulation and drywall. That's if you're building. Right now, SantaTruth is developing a reflective paint to paint on your walls if the drywall is already over it. Even with the reflective paint done, it's still a good idea if your building to put the tinfoil inside the walls. Buy some heavy curtains with a metalic compound, pull those over the windows at night. Also, quilts have layers, so it's a good idea to insirt a couple layers of tinfoil inbetween the layers of a quilt.

LE: And what about when we're out of the house.

JG: Get a windbreaker, it can be a cheap one, but it has layers too. Cut it open and stick tinfoil in between the layers. Wear that wherever you go. You can also do that with a winter coat just so you don't have to wear too many coats when it's cold. Lining your shoes is a good idea, but not necessary, so is lining your underpants. One really important one is to get a hat, like a beanie or something, and line the inside of that with tinfoil. Wear that everywhere. It's a good idea to wear it at night unless you sleep with your head under the covers.

LE: And what about devices?

JG: Disconnect it from the internet whenever possible, basically when you are not using it. It's also good to make a tinfoil sleeve for your devices. At night, shut them down, and put them in the tinfoil sleeve.

LE: Some folks use their phones as alarms.

JG: Yeah, buy a battery-powered alarm! In general, if there is something that can be done without an internet connected device, use that alternative. That's a flashlight, calendar, you get the picture.

LE: And Coronavirus, what about that?

JG: While Covid is a problem, most maks have a double layer. Poke a few holes in the tin foil for air flow, and insirt that between the layers of the mask. That makes sure that the 5G radiation doesn't get into your mouth and cause Covid in there. Wearing glases, and they can be sunglasses or even fake glasses, can help too. No tin foil there, of course as you could not see. But just having that extra layer helps prevent the waves from entering.

LE: Anything else you'd like to tell us?

JG: No, not really, just take SantaTruth's cautions seriously. They made a list on the website if I'm correct?

LE: Yes, correct.

JG: OK, good. Just follow those guildlines; it could save your life.

LE: And prevent Santa, who is really a problem.

JG: Exactly.

LE: Well, thank you for being here!

JG: Thanks for having me!

LE: And thank you for your work with 5G. It's really appreciated by all of us.

JG: Yeah, absolutly.

LE: Again, thank you, and we hope to get more information about 5G and Santa soon!

JG: You bet.

Santa and 5G

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