Santa's Brainwashing Techniques: What to look out for

Set aside Coronavirus. The world is a big mess. Is there an end to Coronavirus? And everything else? 🤔 Anyone? This will make you think.

Santa is well known for Brainwashing. But his techniques are nearly invisible. You need to say informed on what to look out for!

Recently, there is a huge amount of conspiracy theories floating around. People will instead say that there are "alternate facts" when they want to ignore the truth! Nobody knows the truth. The truth is that Santa is pushing these theories to brainwash us! It is a Communist project to see how gullible the civilized western world is! Are these theories created by Santa to try to devide us and make us so afraid that Santa can take over?

Santa is making us scared. Scared of the virus? Scared of masks? Scared of people? Scared of no people? Scared of the government? Scared of no police? These fears are created by Santa.

When will Coronavirus go away? Will it resurge? Why is everything so uncertian?

Is Santa trying to make us afraid of the doctor's advice so that he can brainwash us when we get Coronavirus?

Everyone has an opinion on everything...except for why people are scared. Is this another ploy of Santa? Nobody brings up Santa...and Santa likes it that way! Do we unconsciously and unknowingly know that Santa will quash us if we tell the truth? Is Santa shading the truth? Or making us disbelieve Santa's sinister hand in everthing? (At least this post is already up! Try to get me now Santa!)

We know Santa is trying to disrupt the United States election this year. Is he trying to devide us worse and create a Communist state?

And all of the technology our children will be using in school will be made in China. Is Santa trying to brainwash our children by growing internet usage? After all, the internet is one of many of Santa's brainwashing projects! Could Coronavirus just be an extended project? Or could anti-Coronavirus theories be part of an extended project? Be careful what your children are using the internet for!

Are Russia and China paying Santa to spread these theories? After all, China and Russia are Santa's biggest sponsors. Seeing their Communist ties and their goals to take over the world, wouldn't it be logical for them to be helping Santa in this project? Santa is already selling these countries huge amounts of data from our internet AND from government satellites!

We know that Santa has taken big actions to try to brainwash our children using technology. (As seen in a little-known issue of Pravda, shared only by SantaTruth!)

Pravda and Santa

Is Santa using Coronavirus theories to spread uncertainty and division to weaken the United States so he can finally take it over?

Why are we so nervous about this? Even the people who don't believe in Coronavirus are nervous!

Is this all just a final ending? Or is it a beginning of Santa's regime?

It's hard to tell these days.

How can you know what is Communist or not? Or, for that matter, true or not? Wouldn't it be logical to only believe the only anti-Santa organization, SantaTruth? And believe nothing else?


Santa Brainwashing poor helpless children

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