Is Santa behind the Metaverse?

This week, Facebook, Inc. changed its name to Meta, Inc. while announcing that they were developing the Metaverse. As we know, Santa runs Facebook and is probably behind the Metaverse as well. Is Santa developing more techniques for mind control?

Santa "sees you when you're sleeping and knows when you're awake". He is always looking for more ways to assert control and surveil you so he can add to his naughty or nice list. Is Santa using the Metaverse so he can control people's minds while harming them? Is this all part of Santa's Communist plot?

With the Metaverse, we will constantly be connected to the internet with virtual reality glasses. Santa might distort our views. Every time we see something against Communism, Santa will be able to replace it with something for Communism! This is the most terrible propaganda plot that Santa has tried yet.

Will wearing virtual reality glasses and interacting with the world through the internet allow Santa to collet huge amounts of personal data? Santa loves surveillence, and this would allow him to do it better than ever!

Santa is known to use the data for brainwashing people. This will be a perfect opportunity for him to hyper-analyze all your data and put together propaganda that will convince you that Communism is good! The only way out is to completely avoid the Metaverse!

But if everyone is using the Metaverse, then you will be forced into it. Will everyone's participation force you to also use the Metaverse? The only way out is to inform your family and friends about the TRUTH!!

In Hebrew, Meta sounds like the word for death. Is this because Santa is using the Metaverse for mindcontrol and eventually death of all anti-Communists?

Facebook changed its name to Meta to show its changing goals. Are they just using this to cover up that they are part of Santa, Inc.?

Send this article to everyone you care about to prevent them from being brainwashed! If everyone forwards this to 5 people we could save countless lives.


Santa and Facebook

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