Who is really in the White House?

Joe Biden promised "unity" in his inaugural address. However, we are not experiencing unity. Our nation HATES EACH OTHER!! Why would anyone hate someone else? The only explanation is if they've been brainwashed or hate AMERICA! The only reason someone would be brainwashed or hate America is if they were influenced by Santa!!!

SantaTruth has uncovered new information about Santa's terrible activities. These facts will not be easy for you to read. Brace yourself. If you can't handle the truth, don't read this.

Joe Biden isn't actually running the country. Some people have said Kamala Harris is, but SantaTruth discovered that all national actions are being conducted from the North Pole! Every single action taking place is all Santa's decision. Of course, Santa knows he can't just take over right away. However, he is slowly trying to convince people that Communism is good. When that happens, Joe Biden will give a speech recognizing Santa as the true leader. We can't let this happen. If this happens, Santa's New World Order will succeed. But that's the easy part. It gets much, much worse.

SantaTruth predicted that Santa was using the 2020 election to gain power for Communism. This turned out to be true.

SantaTruth predicted that Santa is using 5G, Coronavirus, and other things to brainwash people. This is all turning out to be true.

Santa has been trying to make the United States weaker ever since his rise to power. SantaTruth has reported how he largely started this by staging the moon landing. After taking control of that mission, the Freemasons and the Illuminati took over NASA to convince the United States the earth was a globe, hiding the truth about Santa!

Ever since taking over NASA, Santa has made great strides in taking over the United States. He has been rigging elections since 1992, and the rise of anti-American curriculum has infiltrated schools. Many people believed that Bernie Sander's Communist policies were good. Most of these people were 20-30 years old--which means they would have been in school when Santa changed the curriculum!

We know that Santa collaborated with Russia to spin false narratives and buy Facebook advertising to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. Santa took over social media and has been using it as a propaganda source!

Santa created Coronavirus to force everyone to stay at home online all day! He caused an economic recession at the same time to make people hate capitolism! He caused riots in the streets that made people hate America! All this happened at the same time, right after Christmas. Is this even a coincidence anymore?

Then, Santa filled RBG's Supreme Court seat with a Communist, and stole the 2020 election! All of this is because we didn't recognize the truth soon enough!

Then, when Biden became President, Communist-style mandates started taking over. Anyone who criticized these was cancelled by the (Santa-Owned) media monopoly, including on Santa-Owned social media. Unity has not come! Even worse, people who claim to be pro-America haven't even criticized these.

Biden has misspoken many times while in office. Often, while giving a speech he suddenly forgets what he was going to say. Is this because Santa's technology is outdated enough that there is poor cell-service to Biden's mind? Is Santa programming what Biden should speak?

Many people have noted how the Build Back Better Act and all other Biden plans are Communist plans. They will take over America and hand all business over to the government. They will create a situation where everyone must rely on the government for survival. Is this making it easier for Santa to take over?

If Santa is controling Biden's mind and is writing all the legislation the government is passing, then Santa only have one more step to go: convince people that Communism is good and that Santa is perfect. The only way to prevent Santa from taking over is from spreading the word. If you send this article to 5 of your friends, and they send it to 5 of their friends, we could save lives!

It gets worse! Santa is working to make people believe that Communism is good. He started by convincing people the earth was a globe (it is not) and taking over NASA. Then he took over schools. Are your children learning about topics that make Santa look good? CRT is the idea that all Americans must bow before Santa and completely submit to him if they want to end racism! Schools all over the country are teaching this to our YOUNG CHILDREN!! WHAT WILL SANTA TEACH THEM NEXT?!?!?!

Santa loves brainwashing children. Telling your child that Santa is kind or leaving cookies for him is just making the problem worse. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution! Block your windows on Christmas, set up a camera by your fireplace, and lock all your doors, espeically the doors to your children's room! The last two Christmases, Santa has given his worse gifts yet: 2019 he gave Coronavirus, 2020 he gave a Communist government. This year will almost certianly be worse. Do you really want Santa IN. YOUR. HOME?

Beware! It is not just school! Santa loves flashing advertisements that make people think Communism is good. Did you know that most of the products are made in China, one of Santa's top collaborators in mindwashing? Every time you click on an advertisement you send money to Santa, and every time you buy a product from Amazon you send even more money to Santa. Amazon and Walmart love collecting information about their shoppers. Is this all going to Santa? He does supply all their goods after all.

Santa is also behind the media. Ever turn on TV? It is now full of Communist ideas. Even Fox News is now Communist. Have you ever seen the news say that Santa is bad? There is a reason. Santa owns them. He also owns social media. If you get your news from social media, you are getting your news from Santa, a Communist.

Santa is very dangerous. That is why we are making these warnings. The only step Santa has left to take over the world and establish a New World Order where we will all be slaves serving Santa or be sent to the gulags is to convince America that Communism is good. He is almost done. Make sure your children know that Santa is a Communist out to get them, and if you don't have children, send this to everyone you know who does. Santa is very dangerous and if we do not recognize this we will all be slaves.

According to SantaTruth's calculations, if we do not take dramatic action now to stop Santa, he will take over in the next 3 years. We don't have much time!

We need to take action NOW!


Joe Biden

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