Santa's, the Easter Bunny's, and the Tooth Fairy's sinister alliance

Santa Clause is not alone. He is dangerous and allies with others to bring about his seditious regime. To remain shrouded in secret, Santa employs other dangerous members of his Communist plot to collect more information all the time. We must always be on guard! The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are amoung Santa's most dangerous allies, part of a sinister plot to bring about the New World Order.

The facts are clear. SantaTruth has researched these two other dangerous members of Santa's regime to inform you of their evil activities.

The three are all interconnected. Santa and the Easter Bunny both break into houses to engage in wealth redistribution. They both give candy that rots teeth, which quickens the collection of teeth for the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy then benefits as well. The Tooth Fairy also redistributes wealth by giving children money from a lack of hygienal protection.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, which was made by Santa Clause, Gov. Larry Hogan (who has been described as far-left or socialist) declared the Easter Bunny an essential worker. The only explanation for this is that the Easter Bunny needed to collect data for Santa and break into your house. This was all the work of Santa Clause--great American workers lost jobs, but the Easter Bunny was still allowed to damage our children!

Of course, the Tooth Fairy takes teeth from children. Santa and the Easter Bunny help her with this. Why does she need teeth? It turns out, Teeth are used for nuclear testing, a clear sign that the Tooth Fairy, Santa, and his allies are possibly planning nuclear war!

You can do your own research, but if anyone searches the truth about the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny while leaving aside Santa's dangerous propaganda will find that the three are in a sinister alliance to establish a seditious New World Order!!


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