PROPHECY FULFILLED: Santa is no longer under cover, announces run for US House!

This week, one of SantaTruth's prophecies that Santa is aiming to take over the United States political system was proven true. Santa Clause came out from undercover and announced his run for the United States House of Representatives. Read the article here!

SantaTruth has been labeled as a "fringe conspiracy theory" news source. But now the truth has become apparent. Santa even calls himself a "democratic socialist" like Bernie Sanders--a strong indicator of communism. Even the so-called reliable news sources are admitting SantaTruth was right the whole time!

Here are some quotes from the article.

the two-term council member for the city of North Pole, Alaska — whose real name is indeed Santa Claus — hopes name recognition will help him win his ticket to Washington.

That's right--Santa has made everyone love him as a nice old man who cares for children so everyone will support him when he takes over the government. He's from the North Pole even. How much more clear is this?

Claus hopes his campaign promises will be of more interest to constituents. He says he is running on a platform similar to Bernie Sanders, calling himself an independent, progressive, democratic socialist. "A lot of my platform resembles Bernie’s, but rather than add 20 pages to my website, I just refer people to /issues if they’re really interested," Claus said in an interview with FOX TV Stations on April 22.

He even describes himself as a "democratic socialist" and says he likes Bernie Sanders. They are both communists. But this is the first time Santa is admitting it publicly!

Claus, 72, said ever since working in law enforcement, he noticed how children would "fall through the cracks," whether through neglect or in abusive situations. Claus said helping children was always a huge part of the platform that later helped him get a seat on North Pole’s city council.

Does this bear any similarity to Santa Clause "caring" for children when he really just wants to mindwash them with communism? What could Clause mean when he talks about "helping" children? "Helping" the communist way?

As Claus gets ready for a busy midterms, he has previously discouraged receiving Santa letters, saying that he would rather spend his time lobbying with other politicians to "do the right thing for child health safety and welfare."

Could this be because he already engages in mass surveillance and doesn't need letters? Santa spending more time lobbying instead of actually caring about children seems a sure sign of Santa's dangers.

Wake up!!! Santa is a communist and out to get your children. He previously worked undercover pretending to love children so people would accept him when he became a dangerous leader. Now, he has revealed himself as someone who wants power and is a socialist!

Join the movement to Stop Santa. We do not have much time left.

Santa running for Congress with a Medicare for All sign

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