Sorry we didn't post for a while. We're back with an investigative report about the TITANIC!

The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912. The media reported that it hit an iceberg, causing it to sink. But there were 1,496 casualties and many unanswered questions. It was followed by many strange and peculiar political shifts. Rather than dismising it just as a a little sea incident where Edward Smith didn't pay enough attention to icebergs, we need to look at the true history of why the Titanic sank.

The History

It all started with the liberals in the United States back in the 1700s. The Constitution was written to protect the rights of the people but immediately the government Bureaucrats decided to push the limits of the Constitution. Not many people know that Alexander Hamilton wanted to restart the monarchy in the United States! Read about it here. When he didn't get his way because the will of the people prevailed, he decided to turn to communism instead. Of course, Karl Marx wasn't around yet so it wasn't called communism, but the ideas were the same. Instead of having a king, Hamilton proposed a national bank that would be able to control the country's money supply against the will of the states and the people.

Thomas Jefferson, as a patriot, was rightfully upset. He said there should not be a national bank because it was not in the Constitution, which he was right about. However, every day during meetings with President George Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton fought.

George Washington was an American patriot, but unfortunately made the wrong choice and listened to Hamilton. The national bank was created and the Federal Government had complete control over the money supply of the United States.

Years later, the Supreme Court, overtaken by the liberal people who wanted government control, just made the problem worse. In a Supreme Court case called McCulloch v. Maryland the Supreme Court decided that the National Bank was not only legal, but Maryland as a state was not allowed to have a state bank. In other words, the Supreme Court with the stroke of a pen with no input from the people or their representatives decided that the national government could control the economy however they wanted to.

It might not have been called communism, but what else is it?

How did communism get into the Constitution? The Supreme Court stuck two clauses together that weren't supposed to be together. The first was the Supremacy Clause, which says that Federal and State laws cannot contradict. The other was the Necessary and Proper Clause, which says that Congress can do necessary things when enforcing their law. The Supreme Court, however, sayed the Necessary and Proper Clause meant the government could control whatever they wanted with the economy to make money and then said that with the Supremacy Clause states couldn't fight back!!

Andrew Jackson, the president of the AMERICAN people, fixed it and got rid of the bank. The Supreme Court was mad and said that Andrew Jackson was wrong. He responded by saying that the Supreme Court should enforce their own choices. Andrew Jackson stood up for the people.

Sidenote: the liberals know that the Supreme Court is the best way to communism! They know that when we the people cannot speak the Bureaucrats win! This is why they want to pack the court: more Bureaucrats = more power for them.

Andrew Jackson saved America for a time, but the liberals and communists wanted revenge. They began to think up a plan to take over the world. Of course, behind this all was Santa Clause.

Santa Clause then was still thought of as a nice old man who gave children toys. However, Santa Clause then was young and wanted power. He had also found a way to preserve his life so he would never die! Unlike other world leaders, who would eventually die, Santa knew he could take over the world and rule as long as he wanted.

Most people think that the big issue in the U.S. in the 1800s was slavery. However, the fight over slavery was really a distraction to the bigger issue going on. It was not about states rights or slavery, but how the government should control the economy! Abraham Lincoln, even though he was not a Marxist, wrote letters to Karl Marx to learn more! Read about that here.

The United States at the time was on the gold standard. Because of Andrew Jackson, the United States' mony was tied to a natural supply, not whatever the government wanted. However, there was lots of debate during that time about how the money supply should work. Some people wanted to bring communism back and make a National Bank once again!

At the same time, the United Kingdom in England was run by the Conservative party. The communists and socialists needed a good way to take over both the United States and the United Kingdom at once! They knew that once these two countries were affected, the rest of the world would follow, because they were the two biggest and most important countries. The only thing these two countries did together (because they still believed in national soverignty then)? Ocean liners. The communists knew they could kill two birds with one stone by getting the ocean liners. And which ocean liner was the most important? THE TITANIC.

The people opposing the new National Bank ran America's free businesses. They believed in capitalism and free trade. Because wealth was growing during this time for all people (meaning people were immigrating to the United States for the good-paying jobs), the time was called the Guilded Age.

The communists had five goals:

The solution to do this? Sink the Titanic!!

Why the Titanic Mattered

One of the richest men ever and a key ally of Santa Clause, J. P. Morgan, was willing to take up the cause to make America communist again. Santa and Morgan knew that what they did would have to change both America and England. J. P. Morgan also owned the White Star Line, a trans-Atlantic cruise ship company.

J. P. Morgan loved the idea of getting liberals into power. He wanted to centralize the banking system and make the U. S. Federal government control the money supply again.

However, J. P. Morgan was outnumbered by his competition in the free market. The other men loved freedom and capitalism. These included people like John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus. J. P. Morgan knew that he needed to compete in the free market with these people. Even worse, they opposed the national banking system because they loved freedom. J. P. Morgan's solution? Send them all on a doomed ship!

Of course, these freedom-loving leaders would not just go on any boring ship. J. P. Morgan needed bait. He would make the biggest, fanciest ship ever. It would be called the Titanic. What's more, he would hire lead designers to make the ship "unsinkable," meaning the leaders would not be afraid traveling on it. Little known to them, the ship was not "unsinkable" because J. P. Morgan was including secret constructions to sink the ship!

To this day, nobody really knows how the fancy decorations were paid for or how the designers were hired. There is mystery as to how J. P. Morgan came up with this much money just for one ship. However, what is clear is that J. P. Morgan was doing more than just building a ship. All at the same time, he was in a debate with Astor, Guggenheim, and Straus over the national bank. What sort of money did J. P. Morgan get from left-wing bank supporters? Or Santa Clause, who has been accumulating large wealth?

Of course, this was all kept secret. To prevent the business men from suspecting anything, J. P. Morgan even said he was going on the ship on its maiden voyage and flashed around a ticket. Since it was the thing to do, Astor, Guggenheim, and Straus got on the ship without suspecting J. P. Morgan's sinister motives.

Of course, the ship sank on that fateful night, April 15, 1912, and Astor, Guggenheim, and Straus all died. At that point, the advocates in favor of freedom against a national bank and economic control were no longer able to carry on the fight.

And what about J. P. Morgan himself? He last minute canceled his trip and said he had "business," while staying at a posh hotel in France the whole time. It was not something anyone heard about or suspected until everyone was already on the ship. J. P. Morgan rescued himself from the ship that was destined to sink.

So what happened when the Titanic sank? The movement in favor of freedom found themselves trapped on a doomed ship as those who wanted government control were unaffected.

The Aftermath

After this, the Labour party (a socialist party) took over in the United Kingdom, the Democrats won in the United States, the Federal Reserve (the national bank) was created and to this day control's America's economy, the income tax was passed in 1914, and the Soviets took over in Russia in 1918.

Did the world get better when the Titanic sank? No. It got worse. World War I broke out. Socialism and communism was everywhere. Santa was behind it all. The only way we can go back to the normal and good lives that everyone had before all this happened is if we #StopSanta.

Santa sank the Titanic

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